
WI Cover.jpgCentenary of Felbridge WI
A book to celebrate our local WI covering their history and that of the Women involved both then and now
A4 colour throughout 96pp
Priced at £10.00 + p&p
Changibn Face of Felbridge Cover.jpgThe Changing Face of Felbridge
A selection of 86 old photographs from the archive, some have more modern images of the same view. The book has historical information about each picture.
It is published as an A5 book 128pp with monochrome photographs.
Priced at £10.00 + p&p
The Blounts of Imberhorne.Originally written by John Smith in 1997, the text has been revised and updated 
Blounts of Imberhorne cover.jpg
 It is published as an A5 book 52pp with monochrome photographs and illustrations.
 Priced at £4.50 + p&p
The Illustrated History of East Grinstead by Wallace Hills (1906)
Hills Cover.jpgWallace Hills wrote The History of East Grinstead in 1906, he wanted to publish a second illustrated edition in 1907 and commissioned photographs from Arthur Harding to be included. Wallace selected 133 illustrations but the first edition failed to sell out, so only a few sets of the illustrations were separately bound to accompany the first edition. His book was popular, and even today is a valuable source of information on the history of the town.

This volume is a faithful reproduction of his text along with the illustrations that provide a view of the town from over a century ago. As such, this is the Second Edition that Wallace Hills never published. A complete index has also been added to help the modern reader.

It is wonderfully bound as a hardback book with over 500 pages.
It is priced at £30, use the contact us button, or purchase from The Bookshop, High Street, East Grinstead. 
To celebrate 150 years since the dedication of St John's Church in Felbridge, we have published a fully illustrated colour book.
It is priced at £8 + P&P
A5 80pp fully illustrated in colour
To celebrate the Tri-centenary of the Evelyn Chestnut trees in Felbridge there were two books published in 2014.

chestnuts_recipe_cover_artwork.jpgThe first book is about Sweet Chestnut trees in general and then the history of our avenues of trees.
It is priced at £5 + P&P
A5 44pp fully illustrated in colour
The second book is a selection of over 120 recipes using Sweet Chestnuts. They are collated into starters, soups, main dishes, stuffing, sauces, vegetables, desserts, cakes & breads.
It is priced at £6.50 + P&P
A5 68pp fully illustrated in colour
Millenium Felbridge Parish and People Booklet.
Price £2.50 + p&p. 56 pages including 20 photographs.

1st Felbridge (St. John's) Guides Golden Jubilee 1950-2000
Price £2.50 + p&p. 42 pages including 17 photographs.

Transcritions of the 1748 Bourd map of the Felbridge estate, these show field names and locations of properties. £3 +P&P.
Gulledge Estate 1841 Map £5 +P&P.
Tiltwood Estate 1921 Map £3 +P&P.
Hophurst Estate 1841 Map £3 +P&P.
Felbridge Estate Sale Plan 1856 £5 +P&P
Felbridge Estate Sale Plan 1911 £4 +P&P

E-mail using the 'contact us' button for more information on any of the publications for sale.

Handouts Available (Click on titles below to go to handout text). These pages contain the text of our handouts, complete illustrated copies (individually priced) are available by contacting us.

All information on this site is the intellectual property of the Felbridge & District History Group. Information on this site may not be used in any type of publication without the Group's express permission.

Lost Property of Felbridge (Part 5) South side of Copthorne Road and Crawley Down Road
Residents of Felbridge Place Part 1
Brick, Block and Tile Makers of the Felbridge Area
Gate House Farm, Newchapel
The Outliers of Hedgecourt Manor
Theatricals 4 Florrie Leybourne
Lost Property 4 - Imberhorne Lane & Junction with London Road
Underfoot in Felbridge Pt.3 Pre-Conquest Finds
Garden Designers, Horticulturalists and Plants-men of Felbridge, Pt3 Gertrude Jekyll and Ralph Hancock
Felbridge Place Revisited
Underfoot in Felbridge, Pt.2 Militaria and Weaponry
Builders of Felbridge, Pt4 Frank Orchard/Gustave Vaernewyck/Albert Biggs/Kenneth Housman
Garden Designers of Felbridge, Part 2 Sylvia Crowe and the Markham garden at Hawthorns, Crawley Down Road
Understanding Imberhorne Manor through its records
Women’s Opportunities in Felbridge as a consequence of World War I
Underfoot in Felbridge - Smoking Paraphernalia
Lost Property of Felbridge (Part3) West Side of Imberhorne Lane
Lost Property of Felbridge (Part2) Imberhorne Lane
The Horticultural Legacy of the Evelyn and Gatty families
Builders of Felbridge - Nightingale, Katz, Vaughan, Foggo & Thomas
Felbridge Theatricals Part 3 - Duparc/Parks, O’Brien, Bateman/Bateman-Hunter and Spalding
Felbridge Theatricals Part 3 [Appendix]
WWI heroes Part 4
Builders of Felbridge - Spurrell and Sharpe
Felbridge Lost Property Part 1
Andre Simon and Emil Hoppe
Later History of Hedgecourt Farm
Felbridge Scouting Review
Heselden Builders of Felbridge
Shaws & Hodgehorne Farms
WWI Heroes Part 3
Tithing of Wardley
Personalities of Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent Hunt and The Kennels
The All Electric Farm at Greater Felcourt
History of Harmans Farm (Woodcock Hill)
Theatricals of Felbridge Part 2
WWI Heroes Part 2
Felbridge in the mid 18th century
History of Park Farm
Brambletye Manor and Park
Origins of Felbridge Luncheon Club
High Grove Cottages
Blunden Shadbolt
Nancy McIver and Woodcock
Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent Hunt
Felbridge Remembers their World War I Heroes, Part 1
Felbridge WI celebrates 90 years
Wall Hill Farm, Forest Row and the link to Gullege
300 Years of the Evelyn Chestnuts in Felbridge
60 years of the Roshe Performing Arts School
Diamond Jubilee of Felbridge Horticultural Society
The Court Records of the Manors of South Malling and Walsted
The Broad Family at Hill Place Farm
Ascotts, off Crawley Down Road
Evelyn Family of Felbridge
Hedgecourt SSSI
Oak Farm
Hill Place Farm
Theatricals of Felbridge
The History of Cuttinglye
The Stone cottage
Shopping in Felbridge Part 2
The Blue Anchor, Blindley Heath
Felbridge Village Halls
Early History of Hedgecourt Manor and Farm
Poultry Farming in Felbridge
History and Development of Furnace Wood
Eating and Drinking Establishments of Felbridge - Part 5
Break-up and Sale of the Felbridge Estate of 1911
North End School
Shopping in Felbridge - Part 1
Three More Biographies From The Churchyard - Hogger, Vestey & Millard
Clayton's Ancient Enclosure on Froggit Heath
Eating and Drinking Establishments of Felbridge - Part 4
The Wells Family of Imberhorne
The Blounts of Imberhorne
Michaelmas Farm
Eating & Drinking Establishments of Felbridge - Part 3
Harry Lorraine
Park Corner Farm
Professor Furneaux and the 'Penlees' of Felbridge
Settlement Patterns of the Felbridge Area
Madame de Pougens, grand-daughter of Edward Evelyn of Felbridge
The Archaeology of Imberhorne Farm (opens as PDF)
Little Gibbshaven & Felbridge Nursery
Felcot Farm
The Star
The Red Lion, Harts Hall Hotel, Premier Inn, Felbridge Garage Tea Shop and White Duchess Hotel
The Wheadon’s of Snowhill Cottage – 50 Years on the Move, 1957 to 2007
Golards Farmhouse
The Commonplace Book of Edward Evelyn 1700 – 1718
Gibbshaven Farm
Pattenden’s Beer Shop, Sussex & East Grinstead Breweries, North End Workingmen’s Club, Half-Way House, Emperor, Felbridge Hotel
Llanberis Farm
Biographies from the Churchyard - Coomber, Darling & Jupp
Smugglers Cottage
Lowlands, Newchapel
Woodcock alias Wiremill
Imberhorne Old Farmhouse built in 1427
Wartime Memories of Felbridge
Felbridge School
Harts Hall
Felbridge Rope Walk
Felbridge Triangle, Rowplatt Lane & development of Warren Farm
Binghams of Felbridge & The Bingham Diary
Imberhorne Farmhouse
The Limes Estate
Hedgecourt Watermill & Cottages
James Osborn Spong, founder of Spong & Co.
Yew Lodge
Felbridge Herb Gatherers
Charles Henry Gatty
More Biographies from the Churchyard of St. Johns - Estate workers of the Gatty family
Reddick Forge
Lutyens' Grand Design for Felbridge
Acacia Cottage
The Farm at Imberhorne
Civil Parish of Felbridge
The Beef & Faggot Charity
Hobbs Barracks
Stories from Hobbs Barracks
No.1 Static Bakery, Newchapel
Downfall of Henry Willis Rudd & The Lewis Gun
Newchapel House
Adverse Weather in Felbridge
Biographies from the Churchyard of St. John the Divine
War Memorials of St. John the Divine
Needlework & Hangings of St. John the Divine
Memorial Carvings & Statues of St. John the Divine
Memorials in St. John the Divine
Stained Glass of St. John the Divine
St. John the Divine - general history
Charcoal Burning in the Felbridge Area
Alfrey families of Sussex
History of Gullege
Lake View Drama & Social Club
Ivan D Margary FSA, His legacy to Roman History
Roman Legacy in Felbridge
Hop Fields of the Felbridge Area
Pattenden Family of Felbridge
Memoirs of Little Hedgecourt
Hedgecourt Common
Hedgecourt Common Flora List
Hedgecourt Common Fauna List
Albert Chevalier
Anns Orchard
Old Felbridge House & The Feld
Timeline of Felbridge
Buxted Park
Hophurst Farm
Felbridge Chapel & The Chapels of Felbridge
Private Sidney Godley VC
Vine Cottage, Crawley Down Road
Littlecote, Crawley Down Road
West Park Estate
The origins of Newchapel
Felbridge Monument
Lagham Manor
Felbridge Place
Warren Furnace