Views of Felbridge

Views of Felbridge

Please be patient whilst the pictures download. The Felbridge archive contains over 2000 indexed entries consisting of photographs, newspaper clippings, postcards, copy deeds and memories. There is also a large collection of local census records, maps and copy parish records. The archive may be searched by appointment.

Please acknowledge our group if using any of this material.


Village Shop

Cheals' shop in Crawley Down Road
Cheals Shop

Felbridge Church

This is a very early view from the Glebe Lands



Clevecote Nursery


Clevecote Nursery stood where the Birches Industrial Estate now is in Imberhorne Lane.


Clevecote Nursery

Felbridge Nursery



This picture was taken in around 1920 when the nursery had only just started at the west end of Crawley Down Road.


Felbridge Nursery

Gibbshaven Farm


Located at the west end of Crawley Down Road, the farm house hides a surviving 14th century hall house that was later extended by the addition of a detached kitchen.

Donated by F Ainger


 Gibbshaven Farm




A view of this property from the south east before the footpath was diverted to pass the house on the north side. 


Harvest time at Gibbshaven

The harvest being gathered using only horse power and family labour.

Picture donated by D. Luxford

Hedgecourt Lake 1947




The lake used to freeze more frequently than it does today. Note how visible Hedgecourt Farm is in the distance. 

Donated by D Trefine


Hedgecourt Lake

Wiremill c1911


At this time the Wiremill had been converted into a corn mill with two water wheels, one on each side. 


Wiremill Lake c1920

Wiremill lake was used to power a generator that provided electricity to Felcourt Farm when it was farmed by Borlaise Mathews family as a hydro-electric farm.
Wiremill Lake 


Please contact us if you have images of people or places in Felbridge.